I think you are underestimating the power of the human mind to see connections in the real world and create a supernatural explanation for the connections which is functional. Wrong, but functional. Further, I think it highly likely that things we regard today as supernatural are in fact real. Still, good essay.
Maybe we're not in as much disagreement as you think?
If it's functional, then it's right. For example, it's wrong but functional to believe in a flat earth (for most people). Much of the truths we hold are directionally correct anyways. We don't know where we're wrong until we push our approximate truths to their limit. But unless there's a reason to question the results, approximate is good enough to survive long enough to make it to the next milestone.
I think you are underestimating the power of the human mind to see connections in the real world and create a supernatural explanation for the connections which is functional. Wrong, but functional. Further, I think it highly likely that things we regard today as supernatural are in fact real. Still, good essay.
Maybe we're not in as much disagreement as you think?
If it's functional, then it's right. For example, it's wrong but functional to believe in a flat earth (for most people). Much of the truths we hold are directionally correct anyways. We don't know where we're wrong until we push our approximate truths to their limit. But unless there's a reason to question the results, approximate is good enough to survive long enough to make it to the next milestone.